About the Book

Higher Law is a collection of essays anchored on recollection of different life’s episodes. It consists of a series of responses to daily occurrence of human realities, unfolding in a most surprising twist of events. The author took it upon himself with enchantment to register the bits and pieces of human experiences and divulged them through dramatic reenactment in a literary way.

Higher Law is associated with author’s vocation but producing virtues beyond the line of human law.
“Higher law is simply an enigma, a spiritual experience beyond what lies on human facility, not on the letters of law that slays but on the spirit that whispers the promise of life, to its abundance.”

“Higher law transcends the routines of human lives, but shorter than the height of eternity. It is an encounter at the limbo where its ascent is met halfway by the descent of heaven. But higher law plucks its juice not from enchanted woods of knowledge, unknown to the world, but from fruits of human experience, a grasp of every eyewitness.”

Writing “Higher Law” is a author’s renewal of vow to intimate readers. Higher Law is another freeing experience from the confines of his profession towards human virtues and even beyond, a law that produces love.

In Context

When Women Wear Red

Wearing a dark red rose beaded gown, Rabiya Mateo emphatically answered the last two questions which other than her stunning beauty earned her the much coveted crown of Miss Philippines 2020. In the final round, she spoke her words much panctuated by courage and hope,...

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What Lies Beneath Survey Results?

Disbelief is what critics felt over sustainably rising approval rating of President Duterte in a recent Pulse Asia survey. Topping over his closest political rival VP Leni Robredo, the president gained 91% for both performance and trust rating. Tailing him are his...

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Love, the higher law

By Cris Evert B. Lato-Ruffolo TECHNOLOGY lawyer Manuel C. Gordon, or simply MC Gordon, went beyond understanding human law and embraced the calling to answer a “higher law” in his first book published last year by Far Left Publishing. In “Higher Law,” MC Gordon went...

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The Problem With Being “Positive”

The pressing problem of being “positive” is hovering all over the world like a storm mounting from South China Sea, sweeping across Philippine Islands to wreck havoc on the House of Congress. And now, strong and mammoth, it is moving westward to the Pacific, finally...

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Book Writing Projects:

  • The HeArt to Mind Your Own Business
  • It’s None of Your Business. It’s Ours.
  • A Journey To The Sanctuary Of Peace
  • Filipinos In Search For A Leader
  • Seven Little Ways To Become A Hero
  • Lighter Laws: Small Wins In Law
  • Seasons Of Life