So much have been said about the denial of ABS-CBN’s application for legislative franchise.
Other than virtually watching at random in some congressional hearings, I also read TWG Report chaired by a good friend Cong. PJ Garcia. I must say, the report with recommendations appeared to be fair and sounded valid.
Not delving yet so much on the merits but more on the writing style, I posted on his FB page, “Good evening Cong PJ! Reading your TWG Report, I can’t help but convey my warmest congratulations for a superbly written report. This will surely come down in history as a monumental piece of legal literature on legislative franchise”.
However, after closely examining the TWG Report in context, I spared a little reservation with regards to the denial of the application. May I park a question for deeper discernment:
Is it really necessary that the application must meet an outright denial?
Denial may not be harsh because legislative franchise is mere a privilege, but it may be a legislative move of last resort if there are still rooms available for viable solutions. It may deserve a second look and to some extent be reconsidered and granted.
Who knows our legislators may be able to navigate through the waters of legislative creativity in having ABS-CBN’s franchise be approved or at this time, having been denied, be reconsidered or granted if applied anew.
My fervent hope for ABS-CBN to remain on air is hinged on the most compelling issue of vital importance — plight of more than eleven thousand workers, talents, vendors, independent contractors affected by ABS-CBN shutdown. This matter deserves a balanced and fair treatment with resulting benefits not only to the employees but to all stakeholders.
My two cents worth is simple.
Ask for reconsideration of the denial of ABS CBN’s franchise or apply it anew with proposed modified OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE of the company.
Offer a bulk of shares of stock for ownership to more than 11 thousand affected individuals whose payment of subscription may be on terms for a period of time, deductible from their salaries or contract fees.
The beauty of this solution is the dual impact it may bring to FREEDOM of the PRESS and FREE ENTERPRISE.
It will not only completely dispel the claim of violation of FREEDOM of the PRESS but also promote FREE ENTERPRISE among the workers, talents, vendors and contractors of ABS-CBN business ecosystem.
While we are saving the livelihood of 11 thousand Filipino individuals and their families, we will also produce 11 thousand new entrepreneurs, thus helping our economy especially in this time of pandemic crisis.
While 11 thousand Filipino individuals will partake of ownership under this new company structure, they will develop a sense of ownership working and delivering services with gusto. And in broader sense, a national pride being part of a mass media enterprise of 100% Filipino ownership.
For other issues, the legislative franchise, if granted, being in the nature of law may contain transitory or conditional provisions for ABS-CBN to make amends of the previous transgressions, either in legal or moral aspect such as among others, the issues on citizenship, taxes, labor practices, PDRs, and other violations cited in the TWG Report.
Let it be part of our healing and reconciliation!