Higher Law Articles

When Women Wear Red

Wearing a dark red rose beaded gown, Rabiya Mateo emphatically answered the last two questions which other than her stunning beauty earned her the much coveted crown of Miss Philippines 2020. In the final round, she spoke her words much panctuated by courage and hope,...

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What Lies Beneath Survey Results?

Disbelief is what critics felt over sustainably rising approval rating of President Duterte in a recent Pulse Asia survey. Topping over his closest political rival VP Leni Robredo, the president gained 91% for both performance and trust rating. Tailing him are his...

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Love, the higher law

By Cris Evert B. Lato-Ruffolo TECHNOLOGY lawyer Manuel C. Gordon, or simply MC Gordon, went beyond understanding human law and embraced the calling to answer a “higher law” in his first book published last year by Far Left Publishing. In “Higher Law,” MC Gordon went...

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The Problem With Being “Positive”

The pressing problem of being “positive” is hovering all over the world like a storm mounting from South China Sea, sweeping across Philippine Islands to wreck havoc on the House of Congress. And now, strong and mammoth, it is moving westward to the Pacific, finally...

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A Covenant Of Creativity

When Cebu has gained an accolade as ‘Creative City of Design’, it was more of a confirmation than a declaration. Cebu, for both locals and tourists, has been regarded as an island of creativity even before it was formally hailed as such by UNESCO Creative Cities...

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On The Art Of Being Alone

(This reflection was written on March 15, 1993. Year 2020 or seventeen years after, when corona virus has wrecked havoc the world, I took time to dig into my collection of writings. I found this one very relevant in this time when we need to stay at home.)...

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Our Way To Change

First thing,  what I highly expect today is before I come over, you must have already added me as your friend in your Facebook account. I know for a fact that despite the poor signal or limitation of internet coverage in our place, almost every one, if not all of you,...

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Social Influence That Makes A Difference

Everyone has influence. But not everyone makes a difference. The totality of our experience gives us a wealth of narratives about influence. The way we deal with our lives everyday would tell a lot of story on how we were influenced by few yet significant people....

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Decoding Facts With Contextual Care

In my law days, we were always urged to read the law in context with the surrounding circumstances of people, time and place. For any given situation, either by an example or jurisprudence, our law professor reminds us always to find the linking words. And put...

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