by Atty. Manuel C. Gordon | Jul 19, 2020
So much have been said about the denial of ABS-CBN’s application for legislative franchise. Other than virtually watching at random in some congressional hearings, I also read TWG Report chaired by a good friend Cong. PJ Garcia. I must say, the report with...
by Atty. Manuel C. Gordon | Jul 16, 2020
When Cebu has gained an accolade as ‘Creative City of Design’, it was more of a confirmation than a declaration. Cebu, for both locals and tourists, has been regarded as an island of creativity even before it was formally hailed as such by UNESCO Creative Cities...
by Atty. Manuel C. Gordon | May 18, 2020
(This reflection was written on March 15, 1993. Year 2020 or seventeen years after, when corona virus has wrecked havoc the world, I took time to dig into my collection of writings. I found this one very relevant in this time when we need to stay at home.)...